Monday, February 23, 2009

A Night in Omaha at the Poker Table

I vaguely remember a Seinfeld episode in which Jerry finds a note next to his bed when he wakes up. The note was something that he thought of in his sleep and he thought it was so clever that at some point, while still in bed, he wrote it down. The problem is that he can't remember what it means.
I have a Blackberry that I use all the time. Not only is it my phone, but I am often in situations where I am waiting for someone or something, so I go online and read. I read newspapers, ESPN, and LandoverBaptist, to name a few of my favorite sites. Now, however, that I am a world renowned blogger I also use the Blackberry to make notes. Sometimes I will use the note application, but that is a bit time consuming so sometimes I make a voice recording so that I can listen to it later. Saturday, Massiel had her two cousins (slaves) sleep over after they were at the hospital visiting their grandfather. He is better, thanks. The two girls are about 11 and 12 and Massiel has them do all kinds of chores for her. They do her nails, if she cooks for them they do the dishes. That is Kiara doing her toe nails and Jessica combing her hair. Sometimes they give body massages using creams. These are not the "Hey rub my back a little, will you?" kind of massages. These are 45 minutes to an hour in length and often last much longer.
Anyway with the girls there to take care of Massiel I made a trip over to the casino to play some Poker. I don't really enjoy playing that much on the weekends, because they always have some sort of musical entertainment, which is always way too loud. The volume is apropos for a 50,000 seat stadium, but unfortunately, the casino is noticeably smaller. It's horrible, but the Poker area is towards the back, where it is still way too loud, but it is still Poker. Before I left, by taxi, I told Massiel that I would probably drink at the casino. That means get drunk. As I have said previously, I miss my pot. Every so often ( about once every 6 weeks) I like to get blitzed and this was one of those nights. My goal, if I am drinking, is to get drunk as quickly as possible. This is something that I have mastered. I drink Dewar's Scotch. I have a half about 5 ounces to start, which I drink like a shooter of Tequila, followed in about 10 minutes by another 3 or 4 ounces and that does the job. Really does the job.
When I started drinking I was ahead about 3000 pesos ($90US). I wound up playing another hour or so, shitfaced, but relatively under control (I think, but I wasn't really there, so I can't be sure) and wound up winning another 3000 pesos. At some point during the game, with the music blasting in the background, I was inspired to make a recording to remember a hilarious idea. I didn't remember that I had made the entry until yesterday afternoon and when I listened to it I was reminded of Seinfelds note. His read something like "flaming sheets of scardon", or something like that. I had made two entries. One was a list of names. And the other was "A Night in Omaha at the Poker Table". What the hell does that mean? I was clueless when I first listened to this note, and even now I am not sure what it means. Good thing I had my recorder with me. Next time I hope to remember to record an explanation of the entry.

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