Thursday, February 19, 2009

Click Here To Give - It's Free

My ex wife (wife number 2), Bonnie is a 5 year breast cancer survivor. About 4 years ago she told me about a website that provides free mammograms for women who can't afford them. That's kind of noble. The address is :
WARNING: GO THERE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Its addictive. Here's why.
When you go to that site there is a huge pink link that says "Click Here To Give - It's Free".After you click the link you go to a page that tells you that your click has been counted and that the sponsors will donate some money to help a woman in need. I added the site to my favorites list and decided that every time I opened my computer, whether at home or at work, I would go first to this site and click. So every time I open a computer I am clicking to help someone who needs it. It feels good. I don't remember how, but a few years later I discovered another similar site only this time run by some sort of animal rescue group. It has the same "Click Here To Give - It's Free" sign. That's kind of noble also. I added this site to my favorites list and for the past few years the first thing I do online is to go to both sites and click. At the animal rescue site after you click they inform you that in return for your click the sponsors have just donated .6 bowls of food to animals in need. Anyone reading this blog, which might actually still be nobody, or anyone who knows me, knows how I feel about animals. I'm a sucker for a site like this.
Today I made a very troubling discovery. I don't know how I missed them previously, but apparently these two sites now have links to four other "Click Here To Give - It's Free" sites. They are The Literacy site where each click helps someone attain reading skills, The Hunger Site where each click gives 1.1 cups of food to people that are in need of food, The Child Health Care site where the value of the click is kind of vague in that it only says that you are helping another child in need get health care, and The Rain Forest site. I am afraid that this one pushed me over the edge. It's probably a good cause. To be honest, knowing that my click has saved 11.4 square feet of the rain forest just doesn't do it for me. Now if it went to help the people living in the rain forest that would be a different story. Since I open my computers no less than twice a day, and often more, that means that I will save a minimum of 8322 square feet of rain forest this year. Somehow it feels like someone is taking advantage of my desire to help others. What do I do? How do I continue to open my computer and continue clicking. There are now six sites in need of my daily help. That adds a couple of minutes to my computer opening. More importantly, as the "Click Here To Give - It's Free" sites proliferate what do I do? What happens when there is a "Chinese Food Site", where each click sends a free egg roll to people, such as myself, who at some point in their lives had access to Chinese food whenever they wanted it but now find themselves forced to chose between Jade Express (guaranteed diarrhea), or that place on the highway that is called Chinese Food, where the owners are Chinese and the food is really a fusion of Creole and something else, with Chinese sounding names. Or how about "The Quiet Site", where each click causes a CONE OF SILENCE to be lowered over some poor guy suffering from the incessant car horns, loud music and yelling and screaming (almost all Domincans talk to each other as if they are in the loudest factory in the world or as if the person they are talking to is outside of the room that they are in). If you are assuming these sites were dreamt up by me only for me, you might be right, and I will probably find myself clicking at least twice daily at those sites. But what happens if someone opens The Cougar Site, to help needy older women score with younger men, or The Blow Site where each click donates 1/8 of a gram of coke to people who did so much blow that they lost everything and now can't afford to get high? How about a "The Grande Site" for those that can no longer afford their ridiculously priced cup of coffee in the morning and now have to drink something from Dunkin Donuts, or worse, something from their own kitchen? Someone has to put some limits on the "Click Here To Give - It's Free". But who? A government agency? The owner of the Internet? I don't know who or how, but I do know if something isn't done soon to stop their growth I may never again have spare time.

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