Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree

I think that I wrote along time ago about crying at some movies, even comedies. The first one I think that I ever really cried at was BIG starring Tom Hanks. There's a scene where Tom's character goes back to see the playground of his youth. A baseball rolls his way and when he throws it back one of the kids yells, "Thanks, mister". He's not a mister, he's still a kid who just looks much older. But he can go back to being a kid and every time I see this scene I start to cry. I am still a kid, but I can't go back.

Anyway this is just one of many movies that break me down. Today I was watching a real tear jerker, Field of Dreams. Michele, my daughte,r called and we were discussing my crying and she confessed that when she watches BIG and the baseball scene is coming up she starts to cry knowing that if I were there I would be crying.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Never Before Have I Been Called Such A Name

I said something to Massiel, and she said, "You're so innocent".

I've been called a lot of names but never that.

That was a first for me.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm Not The Kind Of Guy To Name Names

But if I was, I would name this post after you.

Sometimes a person with an inferiority complex should have the complex because he actually inferior. Consequently it is not a complex, it is reality.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's Not Every Day

Last night one Poker game slowed to a stop as someone passed around a picture of his favorite fighting chicken and the other players paused to admire it.