Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Anonymity Vs. Face To Face

An observation:

Dominicans are as rude as they can be when they think that they are anonymous. You see it every day in how they drive.
And yet, in face to face situations they always pretend to be well mannered. I first noticed this at the Poker table.
The biggest theiving scumbag comes to the table and what does he do first? Why, of course, he walks around the table,warmly greeting each player with a
hello followed by a "sincere" handshake. This same guy will later try to steal chips from
his neighbor's stack if possible. I was reminded of this disparity today. Massiel asked me to go with her for an appointment with her doctor. His office was in the hospital on the fifth floor, which means that you have to take the elevator.
As people got on what quickly became a crowded elevator they tried to personally greet each occupant. All that was missing was the handshake.

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