Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Finnicky Eaters

We have two cats, Harry and QD. QD is very friendly and loving, always craving attention and affection. Harry, is exactly the opposite. He is not only not very friendly but he is also very shy. He rarely comes out of his two comfort locations. The only time they both act the same is when it comes to food. In the morning I clean out their litter, put out fresh water, and refill their food plate. They share the hard food. I buy Purina Feline Favorites food. Purina comes in several other flavors, but "the boys" as we call them have rejected the other tastes. Cats are known to be very finnicky eaters and certainly our two are no exceptions. They have taken being picky to a new level. For a long time, as a treat I have bought them tuna fish in cans. It started when I noticed a sale on canned tuna for around 24 pesos. To put that in perspective, a can of Bumble Bee Albacore tuna is around 135 pesos. For 24 pesos you get tuna that is kind of like pulled pieces that are not in any way solid. The tuna sits in water. They loved it. I used to put all the tuna on one plate and then I realized that QD was bullying Harry and forcing him to leave the plate until he was finished. So I started to put out separate plates. I put one on either side of the water bottle we keep on the floor in the kitchen. Then one day at Pola I saw a chunky style of tuna on sale for 35 pesos. It was real tuna meat. This was their house brand and this too was packed in water. I bought a couple of cans. When I put it out the boys were in heaven. When these were gone I went back to the cheaper tuna. THEY BOYCOTTED IT. They refused to eat it. The next time I saw the chunk tuna on sale was at Nacional. It was a different brand. They both loved it. When that ran out I again bought the Pola house brand. QD refused to eat it. That was all I had so Harry ate plenty and QD ate only the dry food. Harry now will not eat the Nacional brand, QD won't eat the Pola brand, so when I give them tuna I have to make sure that I have both brands. That's amazing.

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