Saturday, July 17, 2010


I discovered a game show called Distraction on TV a couple of weeks ago. I watched the whole show tonight. It is amazing. There are four contestants at the start. They play a series of elimination games until there is only one left. The person who answers the fewest questions in each round is eliminated. Tonight the games were as follows:
Game #1 Each contestant has a table and on the table are a bunch of live mouse traps. A question is asked and in order to signal that you know the answer, you have to raise your hand. First hand up gets to try to answer the question. However, you must have a mouse trap on your hand to raise it and you have to let a trap snap shut on your hand to make that happen.
Game #2 Each contestant, one at a time has to put their heads inside of a fish tank. They do this by putting their heads through the hole that has been cut in the bottom of the tank. Their are no fish or water in the tank. Instead, there are live pigeons walking around. The contestants head is what the birds are walking and shitting on. While this is going on, the questions are asked.
Game #3 Now they are down to the two remaining contestants. They are dressed in goalie's uniforms and have to signal in when they know the answer to the question. As they are called upon, two professional hockey players shoot pucks at their bodies as hard as they can.
The winner of this constest gets to play the final. Five prizes are shown. In this case they were a very expensive computer, a plasma TV, a Vespa motor scooter, a DVD player and a years supply of Rice A Roni. For every answer that the finalist gets wrong he has to push down one of five plungers which are connected to a prize, which then blows up.
What a great show. What kind of demented mind thought of this?

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