Monday, August 31, 2009

The Three Penis Rule.

I have written before about the fact that most of the local citizenry do not wash their hands after taking a leak. I have developed the above mentioned rule and was forced to implement it at a tournament in Santo Domingo. I was the Tournament Director and of course everyone that knew me, which was most of the players, wanted to shake my hand. I tried not do but eventually there was no way I could avoid it. Sometimes I offered a fist bump, or I gave them a couple of fingers of my left left hand, but it didn't always work. Always running through my thoughts at times like this is that I know that they never wash their hands after peeing. Why should I risk disease or illness by shaking a hand that I know just recently held a penis and had not been washed since. In situations like this I invoke the 3 Penis Rule. If my right hand gets shaken 3 times or more, which makes me feel as though I have touched those peoples penises by proxy, I must wash my own hand before I touch any part of my body like my face, or more importantly before I start to take a leak. If I wanted my dick to meet their dicks, I would make different arrangements.

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