Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dominican Lip Service

There's no sex involved, but you are going to get screwed.

I just finished my sentence in hell. For the last 6 weeks I have been working for a major garment manufacturer. At one point, this company was the largest employer in the DR. Eight years ago I was in charge of screen printing for a big US company working here. It took about 2 weeks to realize that all the Dominican company was interested in was billing the customer. Quality? That was a 4 letter word, and was never to be spoken aloud. After about 3 months I convinced my company to move all of their production to a Korean printer, Jae Lee. Jae did such a good job that after about 9 more months, my company told me that they didn't need me anymore, since Jae's work was always problem free. Fast forward 8 years and now I am working for the Dominican company. The only thing that changed was that instead of the 10 or so factories pumping out bad quality work, now they are down to one in Santiago and 3 in Haiti. Same guiding philosophy = Get the work out.

They have a catchy slogan about being creators of value. The company slogan should be, "We can't make it properly, but we will have a hell of an excuse ready, and after all, isn't that just as good?"

I resigned yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. What are you doing now ! Please call.


    Ps, When are you coming down this way?
