Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Soundtrack Of My Life ( For the past month)

The second post that I ever wrote, "Screw Star Cable" dealt with the constant changing of the US channels available on cable here, to whatever baseball game was on that some technician in the control room wanted to see. We switched to Aster Cable about two weeks after I wrote that and have never been sorry. The service is almost problem free. No more loss of signal due to rain, and more importantly no more channel changes. And then, as if the guy from Star moved to Aster, it started again. Only this time with a difference. I looked up these dates, in the interest of being exact. Tiger Woods, maybe my favorite sports personality was doing well in a tournament in August. Aster cable does not provide the CBS Network. Sometimes I will watch the final day of a golf tournament on one of the ESPN stations that only broadcast in Spanish. Most sports are visual, and can be watched with the sound off with very little lost. I was home on Sunday the 2nd of August and while channel surfing I discovered that someone at Aster likes golf. There was the golf final on my cable, and, as a bonus, when it ended they stayed with CBS and I got to watch 60 Minutes, which for me used to be a "never miss" program. Two weeks later with Woods again in contention the same channel change was made. I don't even remember if Tiger won, but I do remember that when the tourney was over the again stayed with the network and again I got to see 60 Minutes. This had a profound effect on my life. The last story was about Chris Martin and the group Coldplay. I was only slightly aware of their music, having heard, and downloaded, Viva La Vida. I was really impressed with Chris Martin's personality. He was absolutely charming, and really clever. I enjoyed the interview so much that I went to the 60 Minutes website and watched it again. During the interview Steve Croft mentions several of their most popular songs. I wrote them down and download them from LimeWire. I loved them. I remembered that Michele had, by accident, left the Coldplay Live 2003 CD with me on a visit about 3 years ago. I had listened to the first song, wasn't that impressed and never listened again. Now I tried it again. It was like discovering The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper", or some other amazing album. It was the most amazing music that I have heard in the last 20 years. What has happened since August 16th is that whenever I am in my car, which is often or when I am using my Blackberry to listen to music I only listen to Coldplay. But I mean I listen a lot. All the time. So much so that I hear the music in my sleep. As I am waking up I often do so humming one of their songs. If I am at the computer I listen to them as well. Wow. They are soooooooooooo good.

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