Monday, November 9, 2009

My First Short Story

I have always had this desire to write but never had a subject about which to write. That is, of course, other than these blog postings. But something has changed and I think that I have my first original idea. Massiel and I have had a running joke for a long time about who will get what when we get divorced. I really think that we get along too well for that ever to happen, which is why we can joke about it. One day, a couple of months ago, I went around the apartment and started putting Post-its with either the letter J or M on everything. That would be how we could decide the ownership of each article. Not that we have that many possessions, but suddenly whatever there was had an initial on it. We left them on for a long time. We have a clay urn in the living room that is painted a dark brown color. It is pictured above. It has 3 bamboo poles in it. It is without any question the favorite thing I have ever owned. It is Massiel's favorite thing (other than me) as well. Massiel and I have said that for sure now we will never separate because she will never give up its ownership and neither will I. We talked about the possibility of cutting it in half and a la the King Solomon story we both decided that we were the rightful owner because neither of us could see it come to that end.
But these conversations have gotten me thinking of a story about a couple that had something that they both valued so much that as their relationship deteriorated (ours gets better) they both started planning ways to do in their spouse so that they could wind up with this special object. I see it as a funny story. Stay tuned........

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