Friday, July 10, 2009


I can't really be sure what happened but I haven't written anything for about 2 months. I haven't even come to visit my blog in almost that long. Tonight I did. I reread a lot, almost all of my posts. Shit. I write pretty well. I really like some of my posts.

I don't really know what happened to my desire to write. I know that after we lost Pinky on April 4th the volume of writing dropped and if you notice how many were just short blurbs, or just pictures you can see how I kind of stopped. I think about writing often, but I have had a problem dragging myself to do it.

Pirates. I like pirate jokes. Unfortunately I don't know any. Now I will be forced to write more to make up for this shitty post, but ARRRggggHHHHHHH, at least I wrote something.

Here's a couple of things to consider from the backward world in which I live. We have a cleaning woman named Paulina. She is tall and thin and walks with a limp. I think one leg is shorter than the other. She is the best cleaning person I have ever encountered. She actually invents things to clean. I have never ever lived in as clean as an apartment as I now live in thanks to Paulina. She gets here early, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, like 7:30 and works hard until 2 or 3. It's only Massiel and I and while we generate some laundry Paulina manages to find something to do the entire time she is here. One time I left her a note in Spanish telling her not to open the windows in the cats' room. Sadly, when I next saw her she had to tell me that she had no idea what it said, as she could not read.

We are also playing host, this evening, to 4 of Massiels cousins, one of whom is either a hooker in training or planning on being pregnant before she hits 15. She has all the poses of a street walker down cold. You know, the arm on the hip, or the crossed arms accompanied by a strong stare. Two of the others are the slaves that were featured in a previous post and the last is a girl from the campo, who never speaks when I am around.

Hey, I wrote something. I think I can do this again and do it better.

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